Registration will be over the first weekend to allow for everyone to arrive and get into their hotels, and come to the conference center to get checked in.
The night before our first scheduled day, our organization will host an opening reception, and everyone, including family members, is invited to attend.
Each day, we will start the morning with delegates coming together for a short lecture on a topic related to world peace, and then following the lecture, we will open a dialogue on that topic only. Organization facilitators will mingle and help to keep the dialogue flowing. The departments will be welcome to move to a large room that will be set up for each of the departments.
At noon, everyone will disperse for lunch, or if there is a cooking demonstration scheduled, they are welcome to attend.
In the afternoons, the cultural demonstrations will be presented, and everyone is welcome to attend. After the cultural event, everyone is free to leave the center and enjoy the city and what it has to offer.
In the evenings, our organization will host small dinner parties limited to representatives of one branch or department. This will allow the speakers to answer questions that are unique to the group.